Monday, November 3, 2014

Sunday, November 3, 2014 "Trek to Bordeaux"

Bonsoir la famille!

Wow. . . football come and gone. Just like that haha. I feel like time is going by a little bit too fast right now. I am glad to hear that Caders started fast and finished strong :) Nice work stud! Yeah, I can understand what Bubba is feeling, football takes it out of you. I feel like missionary work is like that as well. Haha, when I come home I am probably going to sleep for a week straight so be ready! Waffle bar and parties at the house! Sounds like a blast!

This week was an incredible one. As you could have probably guessed.

We spent the week preparing for the conferences, traveling to the conferences, and going to the conferences. Our special guests this time were the Kearons. Elder Kearon is a member of the 70. They are two of the most amazing people that I have ever met and it was such a blessing to be able to get to know them a little bit more.

Tuesday we made the trek down to Bordeaux. We drove a big part of the day. It took us about 6 hours to get there, maybe a little bit less. It was a really fun ride though with Elders Elvidge, Kirkpatrick and Erickson. When we got there we dropped those two off and headed to the airport to pick up President and Sister Roney. After picking them up we headed over to the hotel to go and pick up the Kearons. We then drove them into town to drop them off for dinner. It was a really fun car ride with everyone joking around. We dropped them off for dinner and then headed down to the river and got something to eat for ourselves. It was so great being back in Bordeaux. I miss that place a lot. 

The conference the next day was amazing. We learned so many things that are going to help us to become so much happier in our lives and become more like the Savoir. One of the things that was a big focus of the conference was something that you actually talked about in your email. The ability to choose.

Something that we forget sometimes is that we can change so much of what happens around us just by changing our inner thoughts. We talked a lot about attitude and how we are going to change this mission based on choosing to do so. It was a really motivating conference.

That night we took a plane back to Lyon. . . but unfortunately our plane, for us and about ten other missionaries, got delayed three hours! So we found ourselves waiting on really uncomfortable chairs wayy too long! Haha. We got into Lyon around 1 and had to take some taxis to get home and had some missionaries come and get the rest of us! It was a crazy experience!

Thursday the conference in Lyon was amazing! Everything went as planned.

We drove to Geneva that night with Elder Kearon and President and Sister Roney. Although, right before that Elder Elvidge and I were able to have a quick interview with Elder Kearon at the Roney's house! It was an awesome experience! When we got to Geneva we were able to all go out to dinner to this awesome Mexican place. It was a lot of fun again listening to Elder Kearon and President joking back and forth giving each other a hard time about everything.

The next days conference was amazing as well! After dropping Elder Kearon off again we went out to eat again and then it was off back to Lyon!

The next few days were awesome because we were able to get some regular old missionary work done and work in our sector! We found a couple of really cool people! One of the cities that we went to and found a really cool person was this city called CHATILLON! How cool is that?! We decided to go and find someone there because we thought we would run into some of our ancestors ;)

One of my favorite parts of conference was the fact that we can change our futures by the way that we act on our missions. It was mentioned often that the harder we work the more value that we add to our family and the more that we love them. I have noticed that the harder I work out here the more I love each one of you. I truly love my mission and I feel very blessed to be here right now.

Another thing mentioned was that faith has a short shelf life. Everyday we need to work to have spiritual experiences to keep us going!

I love you all so much and pray that you have an incredible week!

Elder Beyer

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