Bonjour! Je vais. . . rester! I am staying in Gex with Elder
Liechty! Actually all of us are staying in Gex! We are so excited, the
only difference was moving apartments, which was actually kind of nice
because it is awesome being in Gex. We are right
next to the church now and I think that I going to be really helpful
when we have RDV's there. Ohhhhhh myyyy goodnessssss, I cannot believe
that Troy is getting married! Talk about trying to change my whole world
out here! Who in the world am I going to hang
out with in two years??? Everyone is getting married and dropping off
the edge of the world! Hahaha but that is really awesome for him and I
am really excited for him. Aren't the members here awesome? Yeah last
night we had a crepe party with the members and
it was seriously a blast, he asked me if I wanted another crepe and I
was like no thank you, but I would love to cook one! So, he filmed it
and sent it home :) That other night with the investigators was really
good as well, the Aubin family is so awesome and
they help us out so much. Their son is the Ward mission leader and he
just got back from his mission about a year ago, he is so awesome, but
the only problem is that he is in Lyon for school so we don't get to see
him very often :(

We have been finding a few more people to teach this week, we had a
few lessons with some investigators and most of the ones that we have
right now are progressing pretty well. We really hope that all will
continue to go well and that we can see some miracles
of people wanted to be baptized here in Gex. It has been tough because
the investigators that were here when we had gotten here have been
taught for more than fifteen years, so we have been really bold with
them this transfer and we have seen a lot of progress
out of them.

Je vous aime trop! Et aussi. . . La France est le meilleur. . . :)
Elder C. Beyer
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