Well hello there my wonderful family!
I love hearing that life is still good back in good old Kaysville.
You can't tell me that little Bubba is growing up. . . First off, I am
not going to believe it. And second off, he will always be just a little
boy. Crazy! I can't believe how many people
are coming home and how many people will be leaving soon. That blows my
mind that Jenna is going to be leaving, it feels like yesterday that she
got her call. . . It blows my mind even more that Landen only has that
much time left, that is honestly so crazy
and he is going to have so much fun for the last little bit of his
mission. That means that Brock is right around the corner. . .
These are my ward mission leaders!
They are soooo sweet!
Life is so wonderful right now though. First off it is starting to
get really really cold here. I love it! I love the cold so much!
Hopefully that will mean that we can find more people in their houses as
well :) Gex is such an interesting little place
because we are in such a small area, but we have such a big ward. I love
our ward so much :) They are honestly some of the most amazing people
that I have ever met in my entire life. I will probably cry when I leave
Gex. One of my favorite parts about this
ward is that we have such a cool young single adult program in our ward
with a ton of young single adults that we are able to work with. Most of
our ward mission leaders are young returned missionaries or they are
preparing to go out, I love teaching and being
able to work with them.
There isn't too much new over here in Gex, we are still teaching
the same people, but one of them is getting really close to baptism. We
hope that she is going to be baptized over the next few weeks and that
her sister and her sister's family will follow
shortly after. We will see :) Send a lot of prayers our way!
This week we were able to spend some time in Lyon for the
returning conference for my companion. It was a ton of fun being with
all of the missionaries and another cool thing about the trip was that
we were able to spend some time in Switzerland the night
before to take the train to go to Lyon. I don't know what it is about
Switzerland, but I loooooove going in there so much.
France! |
Well family, I love you so much. I love hearing that you are all
doing so well and that you are all happy. I am very very happy right
now, I really want to see some baptisms here, but I will keep working in
faith knowing that miracles are just on the horizon
Thanks for all that you do for me!
Elder C. Beyer
PS. My actual address is
Batiment 17 les Chanterelles
514 rue de Vertes Campagnes
01170 Gex
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