It was so good to hear from you. That is awesome for Jenny and that is so awesome about Peter! Haha that makes me so happy! I love that little guy. It looks like all of the family is doing amazing from the pictures. Tell Bubba to keep up the good work and to have fun in the Presidency, he will learn a lot in there. Oh and there is no doubt that Caden was trying to impress the ladies! Lets be honest here. . . That is awesome though, keep up the good work everyone!
I am doing really good here in little old Perigueux though! It has been really really hard, but it has been fun too. The french is killer and sometimes you just get so frustrated, but I know that it will come eventually (I just hope that it comes sooner than later). My ward here is awesome though! They take really good care of the missionaries and they all are so nice. I finally got to meet most of the members and they are all really cool. This last Sunday they called me up in sacrament meeting and they had me bare my testimony and give a prayer. Speaking french in front of real french people is a lot harder because they know if you say something right of if you are just saying something with a french accent to make it sound like you know some french, which is what I do all of the time.
Okay, so the reason that you didn't get an email from me yesterday was because I was in Bordeaux all day at zone conference. Zone conference is seriously the best, we get to meet up with all of the missionaries and hear awesome talks from President Roney, Sister Roney, and the AP's, it was a lot of fun and they helped us out a lot with our contacting. They taught us how to not not get rejected at first sight or mention that we are the missionaries so I can't wait to go try some of the things that they taught us out.
This week we are going to spend a lot of time setting up activities with the youth and spend a lot more time knocking on doors and looking for people. At zone conference they talked a lot about finding people, so that is going to be a lot of what our focus is going to be on over this next week. Wish us luck!
D'accord. . .
This last week I went on a transfer in Bordeaux with one of the zone leaders and it was absolutely crazy! We walked around in the pouring rain and it was freezing! We seriously walked around for hours and hours in soaking wet and looking for people. Between the two companionship's that we were with we contacted 146 people. It was so exhausting! But, the cool part was that after we walked around in the cold and not finding anyone who was interested is when we saw the miracles start to come. You learn that that is always the case with missionary work, or so I am told. So finally, at the end of the night we came across an investigator who the missionaries had been in contact with, but he moved all over and finally he was back. Long story short he was so happy to see us and set up a meeting for the next day to continue talking with the missionaries. Fingers crossed for that one.
I love all of you so much and you are such amazing people! I miss all of you so much, but I know that I am needed here in France. Keep being the amazing family that you are!
Elder C. Beyer

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