Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 "Zone Tech Coordinator"

Hey Mom and Family!!!
That is so awesome and I definitely am going to have to look for Aunt Jan, I will do my morning studies out in front if I can. I am doing really good though. I am super excited because this is my second to last P Day in the MTC!! In 13 days I will be on a plane to Lyon, France! I am so excited. As for the MTC, it was about as crazy as the MTC can get. I got released as district leader... Normally they release you about halfway, but they let me stay for an extra week. Elder Crawley replaced me and he is a stud so our district is still in good hands. Not only did I get released, but I got a surprise calling during sacrament meeting to be the Zone Tech Coordinator. From what I have heard it is one of the best jobs because if you get really tired of studying you can go and help out the new districts with the computers. It was a crazy week because we just sent off all of the french missionaries who got in two weeks before us, that was a bummer because we got to be such good friends with them. They are all going to Montreal and left today, so hopefully in two years we might see them again ha ha. With that being said, we are the next french missionaries to leave from our zone. We just had almost all of our ward leave to Canada so our ward is really slimmed down right now. Luckily we will be getting two new districts this week full of french sisters and elders, so it wont be long until we are no longer in the cross hairs for giving talks and saying prayers in french during sacrament meeting.
I am so glad that Kole made it home safe! I was bummed too that I just missed him because I really wanted to see him. That is awesome though.
Thanks so much for all of the pictures, letters and packages. I have loved every single one of them.
Everything is good for me right now though!  I am really happy to be leaving the MTC though, it is hard to sit down and study for 14 hours a day, so I cannot wait to get to France and start finding some people to teach. With that being said, my french is still not the best, but based off of what I knew coming into the MTC and what I know now I have learned a ton since I have been in here. I have heard that once I get to France it will start coming a lot easier.
On our way back from the temple today there was this guy running who stopped and asked us where we were going, so we told him Lyon, France, it turns out he is really good friends with President Roney so he took a picture of our district and sent it to him! Ha ha it was awesome!
I love you all so much and thank you for everything that you do for me! The church is true!
Love, Elder Beyer

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