Hey fam!!
Thanks so much for the recipe! The member that asked for some
carrot cake is seriously going to be loving life, and after we give him
the cake I would guarantee that he gives us at least a couple of names
who are ready to hear the gospel :) The family
who asked is the Vanaquer family and they are seriously one of my
favorite families that I have met out here on my mission. . . they are
so much fun and they remind me a lot of our family. There is never ever a
dull moment when we are with them.
Tell all of the returned missionaries that they are amazing and I miss and love them all so much!
Everyone looks amazing in the pictures as well!
Okay. . .
This week was another really good one that flew by. This week we
were able to do an exchange over in Clermont-Ferrand. . . and let me
tell you, that place is seriously amazing! It was so pretty. . . we were
completely surrounded by green hills, and all
around the city there are beautiful white buildings with red brick
roofs. It kind of looks a little bit like St. George except for the
buildings are a little bit bigger. There was also a couple of really
cool churches that we saw that are actually constructed
out of lava rock!! How cool is that. It is funny though because it has
the exact opposite effect of the temple. . .

We had a really cool activity that we did this week with all of the
missionaries in Lyon and with a bunch of members as well. We did a big
family history activity and we just tried to see how many people we
could get into the building to do the activity,
play the games, and eat some American cookies. In the end Elder Powell
and I were able to get three people in and of these three people we got
their numbers and set up a return RDV. . . the only problem is that
there will not be any cookies at the return RDV,
so we are not sure if they are going to show up ;) As usual, it was a
blast being with all of the other missionaries. I think that is why I
love the big cities in doing missionary work, there is just a lot of
energy and it is always more fun working together
with a bunch of other people.

We had a cool little miracle this week. We had just finished up
with an appointment and we were just getting ready to leave the
institute when all of the sudden this member showed up with one of her
friends. She was like, hey, would you maybe have a little
bit of time to teach my friend?? Luckily, we had just had our RDV for
the night fall through, so we had a nice little opening. We were then
able to teach her friend a quick little lesson, invite him to read and
pray, and when he came to know if these things
were true for himself be baptized. . . he said yes. Since then we have
had one more lesson and he came to church! Right now his date is set for
the 27th of September so be praying that all goes well with him! This
week we are going to help him to stop smoking!
His name is Sebastien!
We have another really cool guy that we are teaching, well more
like a kid, he is only 16 years old. He is a cool African Refugee who
seriously has the craziest story in the whole world. Lets just put it
this way, he was lucky to make it to France still
living. He is the coolest person ever and we have been having so much
fun teaching him. The only problem is that he doesn't know how to read,
so it is kind of difficult to give him reading assignments. . . So, we
have started teaching him how to read! Haha,
we decided that that would be a great service to offer him. . . so every
other teaching appointment we are going to teach him how to read so
that he can read the Book of Mormon. He is such a stud because he said
he wants to learn so that he can understand the
teachings of Christ and then go and teach others what he has learned.
Too cool!

Saturday was a lot of fun because a few weeks ago we started a
sports Saturday. . . so every Saturday at 11:00 we play soccer with a
bunch of missionaries, investigators, and members. The first week we
didn't have too many people, but this last week we
had like 7 investigators and about 5 members and a bunch of
missionaries! Not too shabby huh?! I think that it is going to be a
great tool in the future to find people to teach. Not to mention
afterwards we always share a thought, so it is well worth the time.
The only problem is that I really don't like soccer, and I am terrible. .
. Oh well haha. . .
At church this week we had 4 investigators come and we taught 10 lessons again! Hopefully this week we can top that!
Everything is going great and I am so grateful to be a missionary. I
am not going to lie, some days I am really, really tired, but I know
that if I keep trucking along we are going to see some miracles out
here. I have already seen so many miracles on
my mission that I know every single second spent in the service of the
Lord blesses us eternally. I love this gospel and I know that it is
Have a great week! Can't wait to hear from you soon!